Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall Festival....

My sister in law Belinda told me about a really spectacular Fall Festival at one of our local churches, and I was really excited to take Jack, Matthew and Mackenzie....We met up with Belinda, Stan and the girls and we had a great time...for some reason I did not get any pictures of my niece Diana or Matthew..The day would not have been complete with out our two new goldfish Jack won at the festival....Enjoy the pics....

Jack shooting Paint Ball Gun...He did really well!!! Hit a lot
of targets....
Amanda, Jack and Mackenzie......Jack is soooo silly..

Jack just pushed a giant ball to knock over
his cousin Amanda....look at Uncle Stan's
happy face in the cute...

Amanda getting ready to knock Jack over...
Cousin Amanda and Jack
Jack and Mackenzie
Jack and Mackenzie....

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