Monday, December 13, 2010

We Have a Winner!!!!!

Tonight was the annual Cub Scout cake bake. The boys and their parents had to make a creative cake to be judged and auctioned off. Last night Jackson and I baked while RJ supervised. We made a cake to look like a magnifying glass looking at red ants. The ants were made out of red almond M&Ms and the handle was made out of Ho Hos. The magnifying glass was just a round cake with white and brown icing. Jack made the cake…..egg shells and all……hee hee….and put the white icing on….I had to do the brown because it was really had for his little hands to maneuver around the outside of the cake……then Jack added the handles and the ants….and I iced on their legs….The cake was SUPER easy to make….Tonight they had three categories for judging…… Best in Holiday, Scouts and Original design……Jack won Best Original design!!!!! Yay……
Tonight Jack also earned his first merit badge…… The Bobcat Badge…..We are so proud of him….He had to memorize and recite the scout code of honor, motto, do the scout hand shake and show how the scouts salute the flag. Rather than just hand out the badges tonight, the boys had to eat through whip cream pies to find the bag with their badges in them! How fun!
I of course was in class and missed all the fun….(I got their 5 minutes after it was all over)….I even left class to try to make it on time…..But my wonderful friend Jenn went as Jack’s mommy #2, took pictures and bought Jack’s cake in the auction…… Enjoy the pictures……..

Jack's face when he found out he had to search for his badge in whip cream
My Sweet Boy.......
Go Jack Go.........
Yay! He found the bag with the badge...........
Daddy and Jackson.........
Jack with his award winning cake design..........
Is that cake cute or what!!!!
Our creation......Yummy!

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