Thursday, November 25, 2010


We had a fabulous Thanksgiving...Well, Jack and I did....RJ as usual had to work.....The Brodersen Family invited us over to their house for Thanksgiving and we had so much fun! The most exciting part of the day was when Jack lost his first tooth! We thought for sure he was going to have his two front teeth pulled out....The adult teeth were already cutting through, but the baby ones had not fallen out yet...And when I say he lost his first tooth I mean that we can't find it...I think he swallowed it when eating lunch....He is spending the night at the Brodersens house and is very excited about the tooth fairy visiting him there.... and the next best part was Jack for the first time in Thanksgiving history ate Thanksgiving food!!! Yay! He ate turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, and biscuits....I was beaming from ear to ear...for those of you who don't know Jack is the world's pickiest eater!!! But he is doing much better and eating Thanksgiving dinner was a huge step!!! Enjoy the pictures and I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving.....

Things I am thankful for:

1. RJ and Jackson
2. Totally cool parents
3. I am blessed with two best friends Jessica and Jenn
4. Charger Football
5. My Job
6. My long hair that is now to the middle of my back....and drives my husband wild he loves long hair!! 2 more inches to go and I am donating it to Locks of Love.....
7. My red laptop
8. My camera
9. Disneyland
10. Raspberry Cider Beer
11. Jack's Grades...all A's and B's Yay!
12. Music
13. Quiet time after Jack goes to bed and RJ is not home yet....

Jack in his Squanto Costume we made this morning...all ready
to go to the Brodersens for Thanksgiving.....

Jenn and Jackson.....
Jenn and me in our Football Gear.......Jenn is rooting for the wrong team.....
Mackenzie took this picture of the three of has Jenn cut

off and half of my face.....but look how cute Jack is!
Jenn, Mackenzie, and Me......
Jack and Matthew getting ready to eat......

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